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Housing Authority

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2025 regular meetings  of the Housing Authority of the Borough of Hightstown will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Hightstown Housing Authority, 131 Rogers Avenue, Hightstown, NJ, on the following dates:  Wednesday, February 19th, 7:00PM; Wednesday, March 19th; Wednesday, April 16th; Wednesday, May 21st; Wednesday, June 18th;  Wednesday, July 16th; Wednesday, September 17th; Wednesday, October 15th; Wednesday, November 19th; Wednesday, December 17th; Wednesday, January 21st 2026, 5PM Reorganization meeting.

Peggy Riggio, RMC

Borough Clerk


Appointed by: Name Term Expires


Mayor Anne Studholme Ux. 5 yrs. 2029
Council Sean McDonnell Ux. 5 yrs. 2025
Karla Gonzalez (resident representative) Ux. 5 yrs. 2026
Margaret Rosner Ux. 5 yrs. 2027
Kevin Ryan 5 yrs. 2027
Eva Teller 5 yrs. 2028
NJ DCA James M. Eufemia 5 yrs. 5/23/2027

National Affordable Housing Accreditation Awarded to Hightstown and Chester Housing Authorities

 The Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™ (AHAB) has awarded national affordable housing accreditation to Hightstown Housing Authority in New Jersey and Chester Housing Authority in Pennsylvania. Hightstown and Chester join Akron Metropolitan and Seattle Housing Authorities in becoming the nation’s first affordable housing providers to receive AHAB accreditation. The designation of “Accredited Affordable Housing Organization” reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting performance standards established by the affordable housing industry and to providing quality, well-managed housing


Both Hightstown and Chester underwent a rigorous review of documentation that culminated in a site visit and a final report earlier this fall. During the review and site visit, AHAB reviewers evaluated each organization against their conformance with 8 standards, 47 guidelines and 110 indicators; each one measuring how effectively the organization’s board, leadership and staff are meeting their mission of providing their communities high quality affordable housing and related services.


Staff surveyed after the accreditation site visits indicated accreditation helped staff morale and improved organizational culture. They also indicated accreditation is beneficial for quality improvement of operations and more transparency within the organization.


Established in 2013, the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board began piloting accreditation in early 2018. Accreditation is awarded for a five-year period, encouraging accredited organizations to continuously improve and excel in providing safe, well managed, high quality affordable housing in their communities. Accreditation can result in improved management of housing, shared best practices around the country, and higher quality of life for residents.


“Organizations that pursue accreditation from the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board are demonstrating the highest commitment to their communities by delivering quality affordable housing” said Diana McWilliams, President and CEO of the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board. “I commend the Hightstown and Chester Housing Authorities for successfully achieving this milestone and for their dedication to providing quality affordable housing to their residents and their communities. We feel very grateful to have piloted accreditation with organizations that have compassionate staff working to make a difference every day.”


Renee Rooker, Chair of the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board and Executive Director of the Walla Walla Housing Authority in Washington state has been advocating for national accreditation for affordable housing providers for over two decades. “We are pleased the initial pilots have found the standards and guidelines, along with the rigorous review conducted by our staff to be an effective tool for looking at an organization’s fiscal, managerial and operational health, as well as how effectively it’s meeting its mission. The results we’ve seen this year from the pilots brings us closer to our goal of rolling out affordable housing accreditation nationwide and sharing best practices for organizational improvement. It’s also inspiring to recognize the good work that is happening in every state.”


For more information about affordable housing accreditation, visit: www.hous-


Hightstown, NJ, November 27, 2018 – Hightstown Housing Authority today announced it has earned Affordable Housing Accreditation by the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board ™. The designation of “Accredited Affordable Housing Organization” reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards established by the affordable housing industry and to providing quality, well-managed housing.


Hightstown Housing Authority underwent a rigorous review of documentation that culminated in a two-day site visit in August 2018. During the review and site visit, Affordable Housing Accreditation Board reviewers evaluated conformance with 8 standards and 47 guidelines related to how effectively the executive leadership, board and staff work to meet their mission to enhance the Hightstown community by providing decent, safe and affordable living environments that foster stability and self-sufficiency for people with low incomes.


Established in 2013, the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board began piloting accreditation in early 2018. Accreditation is awarded for a five-year period, encouraging accredited organizations to continuously improve and excel in providing safe, well managed, high quality affordable housing in their communities. Accreditation can potentially result in improved management of housing, shared best practices around the country, and higher quality of life for residents. The Hightstown Housing Authority, along with Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority in Ohio, Seattle Housing Authority in Washington, and Chester Housing Authority in Pennsylvania are the first four organizations to become accredited.


“Organizations that pursue accreditation from the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™ are demonstrating the highest commitment to their communities by delivering quality affordable housing” said Diana McWilliams, President and CEO of the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board. “I commend Hightstown Housing Authority for successfully achieving this milestone and for its dedication to provide quality affordable housing for the Hightstown community.”


“The Hightstown Housing Authority is pleased to be one of the first 4 agencies in the Country to undergo this rigorous and worthwhile process. The feedback it provides not only validates the good work we are doing in Hightstown, but gives us feedback on the how we can continuously improve going forward.”


Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™

Founded in 2013, the Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™ seeks to continuously improve affordable housing for the public, by evaluating affordable housing organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe, well-managed, high quality affordable housing in their communities. The Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™ accredits affordable housing organizations across the country. An independent, nonprofit organization, The Affordable Housing Accreditation Board™ is the affordable housing industry standards-setting and accrediting body. Learn more about affordable housing accreditation at

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